What Defines Specialty Grade Coffee?

Introduction: Explaining The SCA Score for Specialty-Grade Coffee

Complex grading system of SCA cupping scores

While there truly is nothing better than a great cup of joe, coffee lovers know that specialty coffee has a taste and aroma all its own. But what exactly defines specialty grade? Surprisingly, many coffee connoisseurs are unaware of the complex grading system, developed by the Specialty Coffee Association (SCA), that goes into scoring a delicious cup of coffee. The SCA, a nonprofit organization, aims to foster a global coffee community through education and support of sustainable practices within the specialty coffee industry.

How is Specialty Coffee Graded?

Cupping session with expert Q graders

Specialty-grade coffee is held to the highest standard in the coffee industry, evaluated and graded through a rigorous set of quality factors. These standards are established by the Specialty Coffee Association (SCA). The grading process is extensive, and only coffees that score 80 points or higher on a 100-point scale can be classified as specialty-grade.

The grading system involves evaluating coffee based on ten specific quality attributes. 

What are the 10 Factors in the SCA Scoring System?

Representation of SCA cupping score 10 point criteria


Once the beans have been roasted and brewed, the cups of coffee will be evaluated by highly trained experts known as Q graders. They assess ten quality factors, awarding up to 10 points each for a total score out of 100. The factors include:

1. Fragrance: The fragrance is judged by sniffing the beans after they've been freshly ground and are still dry (up to 10 points). 

2. Aroma: Once infused with hot water, graders sniff the brewed beans again to judge the coffee's aroma (up to 10 points).

3. Flavor: While flavor can be subjective, the goal is to judge the coffee's flavor based on its "mid-range" notes, between that first sip and smell of the aroma to its lingering aftertaste. Graders are expected to take a full slurp, ensuring their entire palate is involved in the evaluation (up to 10 points).

4. Acidity: This quality factor assesses how bright and lively the cup of coffee tastes. When favorable, the acidity can be described as "bright," but an unfavorable brew will have a "sour" taste (up to 10 points). 

5. Balance: A great cup of coffee will have an ideal balance between the different qualities in the scoring system. It judges how the body, acidity, flavor, aroma, and fragrance work together (up to 10 points). 

6. Uniformity: Assessing how consistent the flavor is across the various samples tested by the graders (up to 10 points).

7. Body: Body refers to the mouth-feel of the liquid itself. Some coffees, like Sumatra, are expected to have a full body. In contrast, a Mexican coffee tends to be low in body. The respective coffees are judged on the pleasantness of the mouth-feel, despite the difference in body (up to 10 points).

8. Sweetness: Sweetness doesn't necessarily mean sugary-sweet, but rather the pleasant fullness of flavor instead of a sour or "green" taste (up to 10 points).

9. Aftertaste: The aftertaste refers to the lingering flavor. It's important that it is pleasant and doesn't leave a bitter or displeasing taste (up to 10 points).

10. Clean Cup: A specialty-grade roast is expected to be "clean," meaning that it shouldn't have any unpleasant or non-coffee-like flavors or aromas present (up to 10 points).

Cupping Process and Score

The evaluation of specialty coffee occurs during a process known as cupping, in which certified Q-graders use the SCA scoring system to rate each quality factor. Coffees that score 80 to 84.99 points are classified as "Very Good," while those scoring 85 to 89.99 are deemed "Excellent." Coffees that achieve scores of 90 or higher are considered "Outstanding," representing the top-tier of specialty coffee.

During the cupping process, the coffee is brewed using a standardized method to ensure consistency. Q-graders, as previously described, evaluate each coffee sample for fragrance, flavor, body, acidity, aftertaste, balance, and more. The coffee is tasted multiple times to detect subtle nuances and potential defects. This objective, detailed assessment helps ensure that the final coffee grade is accurate and reflective of the highest quality standards.

The cupping process is essential not only for grading but also for helping producers, roasters, and consumers identify the unique characteristics of the coffee, such as origin flavors, varietal traits, and processing influences. Through this process, specialty-grade coffees are distinguished from lower-quality, commodity-grade beans, ensuring a superior product for coffee enthusiasts.

Table of the 10 Quality Factors and Descriptions 

Quality Factor Description
Fragrance Judged by sniffing freshly ground, dry beans.
Aroma Assessed after brewing, by sniffing the brewed beans.
Flavor Evaluated based on "mid-range" notes, from first sip to aftertaste. Involves full palate.
Acidity Describes the coffee's brightness. Favorably "bright," unfavorably "sour."
Balance Ideal harmony among body, acidity, flavor, aroma, and fragrance.
Uniformity Consistency of flavor across samples.
Body The coffee's mouth-feel, judged on pleasantness.
Sweetness Not sugary-sweet, but a pleasant fullness of flavor.
Aftertaste The lingering flavor, which should be pleasant.
Clean Cup Free from unpleasant or non-coffee-like flavors/aromas.

 Table 1: List of the ten quality factors to be scored

To illustrate, let’s consider a coffee scoring an 88 on the SCA scale. This coffee might possess a rich, complex aroma with hints of chocolate and citrus, a bright yet balanced acidity, and a velvety body that leaves a pleasant, lingering aftertaste. Contrast this with a coffee scoring 95 (very rare score), which could offer an extraordinary sensory experience, with a unique and intense aroma, exceptional clarity of flavors—perhaps notes of jasmine and bergamot—and a harmonious balance that is rare and memorable. These examples demonstrate how subtle differences in quality factors can elevate a coffee from 'very good' to 'outstanding.' 

The Difference Specialty-Grade Coffee Makes

Award winning Peruvian coffee farm in Cusco with cup of organic specialty-grade coffee and golden cup award

As previously mentioned, after professional cupping evaluations, coffees scoring above 80 are designated as specialty-grade. Those achieving an impressive score of 90 or above represent the rare 1%-3% worldwide, earning the title "Outstanding."

At General Warfield's Coffee, we view specialty coffee as an art form. All of our small-batch, artisanal roasts are sourced with Specialty Coffee Association (SCA) standards in mind, ensuring that your next cup will be exceptional.

Our Fair Trade and USDA Organic certified Peruvian whole bean coffee consistently scores above 92 in cupping tests, placing it in the top 1%-3%, by score, of coffees globally. Ready to experience a truly elite specialty coffee that elevates beyond anything you've tasted before?

Discover the Pinnacle of Specialty-Grade Coffee Today

Experience General Warfield’s unique blend of delectable flavors and divine aromas. See our coffee grading pyramid below to understand how our beans stand above the rest.

Coffee grading pyramid showing specialty-grade, premium, commodity, and exchange grade coffees

☝️Click on the 'Coffee Grading Pyramid' image above to experience Pure Arabica Gold




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